Monthly Archives: July 2015

Easy Apple and Hazelnut Frangipane Tarts

I’m very happy to share this recipe, which I have made several times over the last few months. These apple and hazelnut frangipane tarts are quick to make and tasty. I find it hard to stop at one, so it’s best to make them while other people are around too. 🙂 I think a nectarine variation will be nice in summer!

Although these use only a small amount of rice malt syrup instead of refined sugar, I should clarify: they are definitely still a treat! I’m pretty sure that puff pastry doesn’t really qualify as a ‘whole food’. Feel free to change up the frangipane mixture – use all almond meal or all hazelnut meal if that’s what you have. Sometimes I make a double batch of frangipane and keep the leftovers in the fridge to make another round later in the week! Continue reading

Why my family quit sugar: with tips and strategies for parents who want to reduce their children’s sugar intake

This post describes my family’s experience of going sugar-free, along with some strategies for other parents who are interested in reducing their own children’s intake of sugar and processed foods. It doesn’t come from a place of judgement or criticism – I am lucky and privileged to have been in a position to make this lifestyle change, so I would never judge another person, or parent, for their decisions. Continue reading