Tag Archives: breakfast

Miss Marzipan’s Blueberry Muffin Baked Porridge Pots, plus an awesome IQS Chicken Burger

The house is quiet for a moment – the kids are watching Despicable Me 2 (just for the minions, of course!), so I thought I’d take the chance to pop in a brief blog post.

Spring has finally arrived in Canberra for real, after what seemed like a particularly long and cold winter. I have grown to love Canberra, but I find the winters brutal (although we do a sunny winter’s day quite well). I’m already planning a family holiday to Queensland next winter to escape for a little while!

This week I took the unexpected step of sharing my blog on my personal Facebook page, after I Quit Sugar published a post explaining why I reduced my children’s sugar intake. Although I’ve been blogging for around 18 months, until now only a handful of people have known about it. Sharing it with 100 Facebook friends, family and acquaintances was incredibly anxiety-provoking (and physically nauseating!), probably because I’ve always aimed to be open and honest on this blog. Which makes me vulnerable, I guess. But I felt so reassured and warmed by the kind words and support I received. [Literally at this moment, Despicable Me 2 is playing ‘Happy’, which seems like an appropriate soundtrack as I type!].

I’ll also take this opportunity to share a few new recipes I tried recently, that I loved, by Miss Marzipan (Marisa), and I Quit Sugar. I hope everyone has a great long weekend! Continue reading

Miracle Muesli

I call this my Miracle Muesli because when I made a batch for my diabetic mother to replace her store-bought variety, her (previously high) blood sugar levels dropped to a normal level.

This is probably because her medication kicked in around that time.

But we like to call it the Miracle Muesli anyway! Mum and I have always loved muesli. Warm, cold, with fruit, yoghurt or honey. We’ve even always bought the same brand and flavour, which we thought was healthy. Until we realised how much sugar was in it. I set out to make my own, using mostly organic ingredients, cutting out all the sugar (bar a small amount of organic dried fruit) and emphasising all my favourite seeds. Continue reading