Tag Archives: I Quit Sugar

In the interest of transparency: My new affiliations

Well, I do say on my ‘About Me’ page that I’m an over-thinker, and I’m sure this is no exception. But in the interest of transparency and honesty…

I’m very happy to say that I am now officially affiliated with two online businesses that have had a strong influence on my own health ‘journey’ over the last two years: I Quit Sugar, and Well Nourished. It’s an odd coincidence that this has happened in the same week! Being an ‘affiliate’ means that I will now receive a small commission from IQS and Well Nourished sales purchased via this website. I’m hoping this will help to cover (some of) the costs of maintaining this blog – which is a labour of love, but at times, an expensive one!

I am occasionally invited by companies to promote their products and services, in return for payment. Early on into my blogging, I decided that I wouldn’t do this – unless it was for a product that I already used, loved, and felt strongly about. While I was at the Eat Drink Blog conference last year, one speaker said:

“Don’t do it if it gives you that ‘icky’ feeling in your stomach.”

Sound advice, which has guided me well. Although it wasn’t a hard decision to turn down the offer to promote take-away pizza.

Regular readers will know that I have written often about both IQS and Georgia from Well Nourished over the last two years, both here and on Instagram and Facebook, sharing my experiences of the I Quit Sugar 8 Week Program, as a participant and then an Ambassador (an unpaid support role); and my favourite recipes and articles from Georgia, particularly those on raising healthy kids. Both IQS and Well Nourished have influenced the way I eat and feed my family, my understanding and appreciation of real food, and subsequent experience of improved health.

I deliberated over whether I should become an affiliate for I Quit Sugar, while I am still partway through my Simplicious Challenge – my challenge to cook all 306 recipes from Sarah Wilson’s book Simplicious; a challenge I will likely not finish until next year. But to be honest? I already love the book. The challenge is a personal one, rather than a ‘book review’ – to explore the impact it has on the way I buy, cook, consume and waste food (while making a bunch of delicious recipes along the way!).

If you do choose to purchase your IQS or Well Nourished products via this website (simply by using the links to their website from this blog), I thank you VERY much for your support.

Erin xx

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WN Banner


‘Taking over’ the I Quit Sugar Instagram (with outtakes!)

I was recently lucky enough to be invited to be part of a ‘takeover’ of the I Quit Sugar Instagram account, with fellow IQS Ambassador Elise (@healthyfamily5). Elise and I ‘met’ each other through Instagram during the 2015 Summer round of the IQS 8 Week Program, and both subsequently became ambassadors for IQS. Late in 2015, Elise and her family visited Canberra for her daughter’s swimming event, and we arranged to catch up for a coffee and meet in person (read: I intended to interrogate her on her photography tips and tricks). I had worked with Elise online on a previous blog post, about how we transitioned our families to a low sugar lifestyle, so I was thrilled to meet her in person. Continue reading

Gallery of the I Quit Sugar 8 Week Program: Winter and Spring 2015

Just photos of the food (because isn’t the food what it’s all about!?) from the 2015 Winter and Spring rounds of the I Quit Sugar 8 Week Program. For more information on my experience of the program, click here. Continue reading

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