Chocolate Raspberry Brownies

I feel like saying a bunch of terribly cliched, not-really-real words, that I’ve never before said in my entire life: whoa, ermagod, amazeballs!

It’s going to become apparent that I’m a big fan of the recipes of Georgia Harding of Well Nourished. I have loved all the recipes I have tried so far – but I’m not sure how she will top this sweet treat.

As Mothers’ Day approaches in three weeks time, my sister and I are planning A (Mostly) Fructose-Free High Tea for our diabetic mother. This chocolate raspberry brownie, free from refined sugar, gluten and grain, will definitely be on the menu. Continue reading

My chai obsession

My man is not a fan of my current evening ritual. Once the kids are in bed I brew a cup of chai tea, and I love the careful steps to make it just as much as I love drinking it. I don’t often drink alcohol, so as the weather cools off here in Canberra, I’m enjoying this indulgent milky nightcap that also feels so virtuous and nourishing. Continue reading

Are we all the same?

I love this post from awrestlingwriter, about our known and unknown biases against people based on appearances. I believe this also extends to behaviour and the way people live their lives – we are all so quick to judge the decisions others make, particularly if we perceive that we are or have been in similar situations (“well my parents got divorced too, and I didn’t turn to drugs/crime/insert behaviour here”). But we can never know what it is truly like to BE that person, who is on their own journey, and has their own history. I am guilty of judging people all the time. It is one of the things I am trying really hard to work on.