Tag Archives: fructose-free

#3 Round 2 of I Quit Sugar: Weeks Five and Six in Review

I need to start this review with a confession: I’ve completely fallen off the Movement Plan wagon. The wagon is not moving. After the challenging caffeine withdrawals in Week 4, which were followed by a gastro bug, I never really picked the movement plan back up. I have the worst excuse too – I don’t have time. The oldest excuse in the book! Except… that’s it’s true (I know everyone says that too!). I am really struggling to create time for this at the moment, knowing that it would be at the expense of something equally or more important in my life. Like sleep, of which I also get too little. For the time being, I’m just trying to incorporate activity into my daily life more. Walking the kids up to the park instead of driving. Getting out with the family to the local pool more often. Spending more time outside. Climbing on the playground at the national arboretum with my son, instead of just sitting and watching. I do find I have energy to burn, at the strangest of times, and sometimes I find myself doing push-ups or squats in the kitchen while I’m waiting for water to boil. Continue reading

#2 Round 2 of I Quit Sugar: Weeks Three and Four in Review

Halfway through the IQS8WP, it seems to be whizzing by. I could happily live on this program all year round, like those retirees who live on back-to-back cruise holidays.

Having said that, this last fortnight – Week 4 in particular – was very challenging.

Never have I been so obsessed with coffee, than during weeks 3 and 4 of the IQS8WP. Week 4 of the program was ‘clean week’, in which participants are encouraged to give up alcohol, caffeine and gluten for five days, just to ‘see how they feel’. When I first did the program, with a six-month old baby who was still not sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time, giving up coffee was not an option. So I thought I’d give it a bash this time round. Continue reading

#13 My Man Quits Sugar: Five Months on from the IQS8WP

In my previous post in this series, I mentioned that I would write a final My Man Quits Sugar post to follow-up on how we were going three months after completing the I Quit Sugar 8 Week Program. I had fully intended to write one at three months… but then, you know… life. Anyhow, five months on I’m finally providing an update, on how we have been since finishing the program in August; and why I’m signing up to do the program again in a few weeks. Continue reading