Tag Archives: I Quit Sugar

#1 – A Simplicious Challenge: Cooking 306 Recipes

I love cookbooks. I own nearly 80 of them (including around 25 eBooks) – and I would own a lot more if I gave into every whim and desire I had to buy them. I also have a large collection of food magazines. But despite my fondness, or perhaps because of it, I have a bad habit of cooking only a handful of recipes from each book – returning to the same, familiar and appealing ones, while ignoring the recipes I think I won’t like.

Because of this, I’ve always fancied the idea of doing a Julie and Julia style challenge: to deliberately cook every single recipe in a cookbook. If ever a book was worthy of this challenge, I reckon Simplicious by Sarah Wilson is the one, with a whopping 306 recipes.

Cover of Simplicious by Sarah Wilson

As soon I as started flicking through this book, the idea of doing this challenge started to grow on me. I was a bit worried I would do my usual: go straight to the gummy lollies and chocolate cardamom tarts, and never look back to the veggie-packed salads and meaty stews. Ultimately though, it wasn’t just the appealing recipes that encouraged me to consider this challenge. Continue reading

Miss Marzipan’s Blueberry Muffin Baked Porridge Pots, plus an awesome IQS Chicken Burger

The house is quiet for a moment – the kids are watching Despicable Me 2 (just for the minions, of course!), so I thought I’d take the chance to pop in a brief blog post.

Spring has finally arrived in Canberra for real, after what seemed like a particularly long and cold winter. I have grown to love Canberra, but I find the winters brutal (although we do a sunny winter’s day quite well). I’m already planning a family holiday to Queensland next winter to escape for a little while!

This week I took the unexpected step of sharing my blog on my personal Facebook page, after I Quit Sugar published a post explaining why I reduced my children’s sugar intake. Although I’ve been blogging for around 18 months, until now only a handful of people have known about it. Sharing it with 100 Facebook friends, family and acquaintances was incredibly anxiety-provoking (and physically nauseating!), probably because I’ve always aimed to be open and honest on this blog. Which makes me vulnerable, I guess. But I felt so reassured and warmed by the kind words and support I received. [Literally at this moment, Despicable Me 2 is playing ‘Happy’, which seems like an appropriate soundtrack as I type!].

I’ll also take this opportunity to share a few new recipes I tried recently, that I loved, by Miss Marzipan (Marisa), and I Quit Sugar. I hope everyone has a great long weekend! Continue reading

Why my family quit sugar: with tips and strategies for parents who want to reduce their children’s sugar intake

This post describes my family’s experience of going sugar-free, along with some strategies for other parents who are interested in reducing their own children’s intake of sugar and processed foods. It doesn’t come from a place of judgement or criticism – I am lucky and privileged to have been in a position to make this lifestyle change, so I would never judge another person, or parent, for their decisions. Continue reading