Tag Archives: avocado

Gut-friendly Prebiotic Guacamole

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ll be happy to never see another Easter egg (and definitely happy for my kids not to!) for at least another 12 months. By Easter Sunday I generally can’t bear to see any more recipes for delicious chocolate fudge cakes, and I start craving anchovies on buttery garlic bread. This year, Easter Sunday also fell on my son’s 7th birthday, so we had the double-whammy of ice-cream cake too!

Anyway, this guacamole doesn’t have any anchovies (although I might give that a try sometime…), but it’s a good ‘re-set’ dip to keep in the fridge for meals and snacks, with lots of veggies, good fats, and prebiotic fibre.

We hear all about probiotics in health and wellness land, the good bacteria for our gut, which are found in yoghurt, kefir and other fermented products – and the food industry has jumped all over the marketing opportunities. But we rarely hear about prebiotics. In his book ‘The Clever Guts Diet’, Dr Michael Mosley discusses the importance of prebiotic fibre. This is plant fibre the body cannot digest, but which acts like ‘fertiliser for the gut’, laying the foundations so that the good bacteria can thrive.

Maybe gut fertiliser just isn’t as sexy to sell. 😉 Continue reading

Fiery Dragon Eggs (aka baked avocado eggs with chilli salsa)

It’s Game of Thrones season! Woohooooo. GoT is one of my favourite TV shows (probably my most favourite, to be honest); so I was pretty stoked when fellow nerd Marisa, of Miss Marzipan, started a three month Food of Thrones feature over on Instagram (see #foodofthrones2016). Although she initially invited foodie Instagrammers to make GoT themed dishes in the lead-up to the season premiere (check out her You Know Nothing Jon Snow Cone), a bunch of us got REALLY EXCITED – so Marisa decided to continue it throughout the season. 😀 Each week, she sets a theme for people to contribute to, and she will be developing an eBook at the end featuring some of the vegetarian meals. This will be downloadable after a small donation to charity. Continue reading